Is the Keurig 2.0 touch screen not working? Reset LCD connector yourself

By Barath
Last Updated:
Keurig 2.0 touch screen not working. 4 simple fixes to try before calling the customer support.

Is your keurig 2.0 touch screen not working? It may be because there could be dust and oil blocking the display edges. Cleaning with Windex solution will fix this problem.

In other cases, the display connector on your keurig might have come loose. Reset it manually by opening the display board under the lid.

Keurig 2.0 models like K200 and K250 have this touch screen non-responsive problem. Keurig customer support is unhelpful to fix this properly.

When my Keurig 250 faced touch screen did not respond, I spent an entire day trying various fixes. In this article, I have listed all the proper fixes that can be done by yourself.

Most Common Problems
Power button turns on but the touch does not workClean with Windex, if that does not work see if the diagnostic page shows.
The best thing to do is reset the machine by unplugging it from power.
There is no power button, black screen problemThe machine could have tripped internally. Check if the sides are hot, if yes unplug from power and cool for at least 30 minutes.
White screen/half-broken white screen problemReset the display LCD connector under the lid by disassembling the lid in 5 easy steps.
The most common problem is poor maintenance causing dirt and oil build up on the display (or) the display connector under the lid has loosened. Don’t disassemble the unit without trying the other fixes.

If you can, opt for a different keurig model as a replacement because keurig 2.0 is discontinued and is not the first choice for many coffee lovers at home.

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Power button appears on the screen but touch doesn’t work

This is a common problem and often can be fixed easily yourself. Check if the diagnostic page appears on the display.

To turn on the diagnostic report for Keurig 2.0, hold the power button(even if it doesn’t work press it hard) and click the ‘Keurig’ button 4 times in quick succession.

If your keurig 2.0 touch screen not working. Check the diagnostic page. To open the diagnostic mode in keurig 2.0 hold the power button and press the 'KEURIG' button 4 times in quick succession.
To open the diagnostic mode in keurig 2.0 hold the power button and press the KEURIG button 4 times in quick succession.

Does the diagnostic screen come up? Then your touch is unresponsive and there is nothing wrong with the screen itself.

This can happen because of the build-up of oil and dirt on the screen. A quick solution is to clean the display with Windex/Colin’s solution. You can also use wet wipes if you cannot find any cleaning solution. Don’t use a lot of water as it can damage the internals.

If that doesn’t work, another hacky solution is to try using a stylus and see if the display responds.

How to fix Keurig 2.0 white screen?

Does the power button on the screen not appear? Do you only see a white screen, then try running water only brewing cycle.

Your keurig 2.0 shows the power button but the touch does not respond.
  • Even if your screen is dead, press the bottom right corner of the display to turn the machine on. You will only be seeing the white screen but still press the corner of the display.
  • If you start to hear the water in the tank bubbling, then the machine has entered the pre-heating cycle. This is a good sign!
  • The problem is with the poor connector under the display board. It gets jammed/loosens because we constantly open the top to place the K-cup.
  • A common mistake is to constantly try brewing and letting the machine plugged into the power socket. Turn your machine off immediately and try the connector reset fix explained in the next section.

If the machine is fully dead, check if the outer covering is too hot. Often, the thermal fuse inside the machine trips protecting the circuit from getting burnt. This is a common mechanism in coffee machines.

To fix the keurig 2.0 completely dead screen, unplug your keurig and let it cool for 15 – 20 minutes. This will help the capacitors to drain completely causing a “full reset”.

  • To begin, unplug the machine
  • Remove the water tank and clean the K-cup holder.
  • Unplug the machine for 15-20 minutes.
  • Plug the machine again and press the power button
  • Place the water tank back

How to fix a broken display/white screen problem?

If the display is a blank white screen (or) if keurig 2.0 has a half-broken screen do not panic.

Your keurig 2.0 is showing white screen or half-white screen.

This problem is common and happens because of a bad connector under the display. Earlier models like K200 and K250 have this issue.

Ideally, you can call keurig customer support and ask for a replacement. Mind you that keurig 2.0 models are discontinued, so you will get a replacement/refurbished model (or) will be offered a model other than the keurig 2.0 variants.

If you want a quick fix, reset the connector under the display.

How to reset the display connector in keurig 2.0 easily?

Before we begin, you will need a Phillips number 1 screwdriver and a simple flat-head screwdriver.

  • Unplug the machine from any power socket.
  • Begin by opening the top lid. Turn the machine upside down to reveal two screws on the bottom of the lid.
  • Unscrew them both and turn the machine back up.
  • The outer cover surrounding the display board comes loose. Gently push it up to remove the plastic cover completely. I would recommend not fully removing the cover from the lid, instead push it up until you feel the resistance and hold it there for the next step.
  • Find the tabs around the display board under the lid. You can the 2 tabs on the right, one tab in the front, and 2 more tabs on the left of the display.
  • Gently press the tab pointing outward by unhooking them from the display board. You can start to feel the display come loose.
  • You can find an LCD connector underneath the display circuit, with the help of the flat-head screwdriver, press it against the chip gently.
  • In some cases, the connector might have disconnected, in that case, you will have to reach in with your fingers and place it manually.
  • Put the tabs back on and screw the outer covering back on the lid. Don’t turn on the machine before placing the outer cover.
  • Plug the machine back on, and you should see the power button on your display.
In this video, you can find the simple connector reset technique walk-through.
You don’t have to remove the cover completely like shown here, just enough to reveal the tabs.

What next?

If you are still not able to fix the problem, contact keurig customer support. Always pay attention to the machine getting too hot. Here is a summary of the problem and solution:

  • The power button appears but the screen is unresponsive. This is because of poor maintenance and the build-up of oil, and dirt on the edges of the display LCD screen. Use Windex (or) colin-like cleaning solution and wipe the screen clean.
  • Try running a water-only cycle, if there is no power and the machine seems to be dead, the thermal fuse has tripped. Often disconnecting from power and cooling down for 30 minutes fixes this problem
  • Does the screen appear white, blank, or half-broken? Then the connector switch under the display has come off loose. Fix it yourself by connecting the LCD properly or contact customer support.

If you want to increase the longevity of your Keurig coffee machine, perform proper descaling periodically.

Barath is a coffee lover, who has been brewing his coffee at home for several years. He talks about coffee tasting, brewing guides and much more in home coffee wizard. Follow barath on X (twitter) @diputsC